Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year and the new beginning...

Well... 2007 is coming to an end... but the new year is coming... I'm actually pretty excited that the new year is coming, cause it doesn't just mean that more new faces in college, but it is also a good way to start anew. I've made many mistakes in the past, but I'm going to look towards my future, cause I know thats where I'm going to end up anyway. To all those I hurt this year, I am deeply sorry, but I hope that there isn't anymore hardship between us and I hope to see what the future has in store for me... and I'm not afraid of a challenge lol.

PS: I'm currently in the process of making my Holiday detail and should be up within the week so stay tune all!! Jia Ne

Monday, December 17, 2007


Well tomorrow me and my family are going to Thailand and I'm not excited as my lil sister. Maybe it's because we go there too often? yea I think it might be. Every year its the same thing, we go there and we go to the beach and stuff, then we go shopping and then we go eat. Kinda boring to me actually. We don't go anywhere new and its very boring visiting the same place more then once you know. *sigh* oh well, just going to have to bear with it till I come back... hope its better then last year

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm officially 19

Yup, like the titles says, I am officially 19 as of today, and the best part of today is, my exams are over and now I'm on my end of the year holiday!! Would like to tank everyone who wished me today and to Madam Mary (my lecturer) for giving me my first birthday present of the day. Later I am going out with my dad and siblings to a Japanese Restaurant (my favorite lol) and then im going to my best friends hows to celebrate with her. Oh and the Birthday Party is going to be on this Friday and I'll blog about it after Friday is over. Till next time readers, ciao