Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Good and the Bad

Well there has been a lot of things on my mind at the moment due to the mid-term, but now that its over I can finally relax... sort of... there are some good things and bad things that happened lately and I'll list them down for you in a moment. Hmm... I think I'll start with the good;

1. Managed to get enough sleep, and it is a bit easier to sleep at night
2. Mid-Term is over!!
3. I am slowly regaining my emotion to love again
4. Going to talk to my cousin in Osaka to discuss my future there

well those are the good things this week. Now let me list down the bad;

1. One couple from my prom table (not naming who) called me tonight saying that she can't make it cause of some emergency with the boy friends family or something...
2. Been having a lot of heart pain lately and I don't think its heart burn
3. Need to find new people for my table and the prom is this Friday!!!!
4. Have to do my assignments (I'm lazy btw, but yet I can still do good)
5. Been sick frequently

well thats what is good and bad so far... if there is more by Sunday i might edit this post... o well... we are just going to have to see...

1 comment:

firefly said...

Ya, midterm's over.
Just felt like repeating what I always say,"Midterm's over! Midterm's over? Midterm's over..."
And I'm so finished!
Results? *Shaking head*
Assignments! *Sigh*
But looks like you have got more things to worry about.
Okay, okay. Will ask my parents bout the prom thinghy. ^^
I know it has been troubling you a lot.
But please do bear in mind that the success rate is (okay lets not exaggerate too much) 5%? Maybe? I've really got no idea.
I'll try. (keyword=try, ok?)
Now, back to my assignments and I should start studying...
I will not allow myself to make the same mistake twice. Will make sure that I'm super-well-prepared for my finals.
There you go with my comments, take care, wish you speedy recovery and bye-bye!